The Early, Unappreciated Water-Moving System

In 1588, Agrippa’s water-lifting innovation captivated the notice and approval of Andrea Bacci but that turned out to be one of the last mentions of the mechanism. Merely years afterward, in 1592, the earliest modern Roman aqueduct, the Acqua Felice, was hooked up to the Medici’s villa, possibly making the device o

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Rome’s Ingenious Water Delivery Solutions

Aqua Anio Vetus, the first raised aqueduct assembled in Rome, started providing the men and women living in the hills with water in 273 BC, though they had counted on natural springs up till then. Throughout this time period, there were only 2 other techniques capable of supplying water to higher areas, subterranean wells and cisterns, which gather

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Free Drinking Fountains in Berkley, California

The 1st American city to implement a tax on sweet drinks was Berkley, California in February 2014. By taxing sugary drinks, the city hopes to motivate a lot more people to go with healthier options, such as water. Attempts were made to find out the state of local drinking water fountains in both high- and low-income neighborhoods. Facts on the city

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Public Garden Fountains Found in Historical Documents

As initially developed, water fountains were designed to be functional, directing water from creeks or reservoirs to the inhabitants of cities and villages, where the water could be utilized for cooking food, washing, and drinking. Gravity was the power source of water fountains up until the conclusion of the nineteenth century, using the potent po

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